Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Staff Directory


Photo of Kerry Taylor

Kerry Taylor


Photo of Lindsay Wehrwein

Lindsay Wehrwein

Vice Principal

Early Education Programs Managers

Photo of Christin Cann

Christin Cann

Teaching Staff

Photo of Nicole Baker

Nicole Baker

Learning Support

Photo of Corrina Barker

Corrina Barker

Gr. 2

Photo of Karen Bourassa

Karen Bourassa

Gr. 4

Photo of Zoë Bracken

Zoë Bracken

Gr. 1

Photo of Amanda Cross

Amanda Cross

Gr. 5

Photo of Katarina Dato

Katarina Dato


Photo of Amanda Fahey

Amanda Fahey

Gr. 4

Photo of Angie Fallwell

Angie Fallwell

Gr. 1

Photo of Krista Fisher

Krista Fisher

Grade 1

Photo of Bret Jesse

Bret Jesse

Photo of Angela Kubik

Angela Kubik

Gr. 3

Photo of Courtney Lacanilao

Courtney Lacanilao

Gr. 1

Photo of Sarah Liddle

Sarah Liddle

Gr. 5

Photo of Marie Lowe

Marie Lowe

Gr. 1

Photo of Michelle McFadzen

Michelle McFadzen

Teacher Counsellor

Photo of Megan McMillan

Megan McMillan

Gr. 5

Photo of Hana Morris

Hana Morris

Grade 3

Photo of Heather Neilson

Heather Neilson


Photo of Michael Page

Michael Page

Gr. 4

Photo of Megan Palmer

Megan Palmer

Grade 2

Photo of Linda Payne

Linda Payne

Gr. 3

Photo of Megan Peeke-Vout

Megan Peeke-Vout


Photo of Brittney Petkau

Brittney Petkau

Gr. 2

Photo of Jennifer Riewe

Jennifer Riewe


Photo of Kali Roth

Kali Roth

Grade 4

Photo of Krista Seaman

Krista Seaman

Gr. 4

Photo of Sherese Speelman

Sherese Speelman

Gr. 2

Photo of Sophie Tsougrianis

Sophie Tsougrianis

Grade 2

Photo of Amelia Wills

Amelia Wills

Grade 3

Support Staff

Photo of Crystal Ferguson

Crystal Ferguson

Photo of Darli McAulay

Darli McAulay

Learning Commons Facilitator

Photo of Alysse Stacey

Alysse Stacey

Administrative Assistant

Phone: 403-381-2211

Educational Assistants

Photo of Joyce Bishoff

Joyce Bishoff

EA - Gr. 1-5

Photo of Cathy Burke

Cathy Burke

EA - Gr. 1-5

Photo of Cherilyn Ferby

Cherilyn Ferby

EA- Gr. 1-5

Photo of Shirley Fleming

Shirley Fleming

EA - Gr. 1-5

Photo of Maddie Grose

Maddie Grose

Early Education

Photo of Joanne Guppy

Joanne Guppy

EA - Speech

Photo of Andrea Hanna

Andrea Hanna


Photo of Lila Hoffman

Lila Hoffman


Photo of Alana Mcclain

Alana Mcclain

EA - Gr. 1-5

Photo of Diane Pollio

Diane Pollio

EA - Gr. 1-5

Photo of Kinsey Smith

Kinsey Smith

EA - Kindergarten

Photo of Deb Stankievech

Deb Stankievech

EA- Gr. 1-5

Photo of Lisa Stavinga

Lisa Stavinga

Photo of Delaine Taylor

Delaine Taylor

EA - Kindergarten

Photo of Melissa Thackery

Melissa Thackery

Early Education


placeholder image for Rachael Presland

Rachael Presland

Photo of Corinne Young

Corinne Young


Contact Staff Member